How To Improve The Wearing Of Carbide Cutting Tool

How To Improve The Wearing Of Carbide Cutting Tool

The metal cutting industry is growing at a fast rate, and this success can be accredited to the advancement in cutting tools and the increasing efficiency of the cutting tools. Besides this, the material of the tools is the most fundamental as that will help in determining the working efficiency of the cutting tools. If the material used for making the tools is durable and has high strength, then it can be said that it will have better wear resistance.

Apart from all these things, you need to keep the cutting tools well-maintained so that they don’t wear down and have a higher efficiency level. Similarly, if you are making use of the carbide cutting tool, then you would have to take better care to maintain its efficiency and minimize the wearing down of the cutting tool. So is there a way in which you can ensure that the working efficiency, functionality of the carbide cutting tool would be maintained and help in reducing the wearing down?

Well, yes. There are certain measures that you can take to extend the life of the cutting tool. These tips will help you know how to reduce the wearing down of the Carbide Cutting Tool and also increase its working efficiency.

#1 You Must Make Use Of Right Feeds And Speeds:

For different carbide cutting tools, there are different feeds and speeds available. Every Carbide cutting tool would be requiring the right one that matches its specifications. If you are making use of the wrong feeds and speeds for the carbide cutting tools, it will lead to a reduction in the efficiency of the tool, and also increase the wearing down. You can take the help of carbide tool manuals or advice from the experts to know whether the feeds and speeds you have selected are of the right specification or not.

#2 You Must Learn To Keep The Carbide Cutting Tool Deflections Under Control:

You Must Learn To Keep The Carbide Cutting Tool Deflections Under Control

Deflection is not desirable for the Carbide cutting tools because it would destroy the tool material and make them brittle. Most often it happens that the workers are not aware of the amount of deflection, which a particular carbide cutting tool can handle. You can calculate the deflections based on the type of Feeds and Speeds used for the Carbide cutting tool. When the calculations are perfect, you would easily be able to keep the check on the deflections and reduce them. This is an effective way to reduce the wearing down of the carbide cutting tool.

#3 Focus On Avoiding The Recutting Of The Chips:

Recutting of the chips makes it difficult for carbide-cutting tools to work efficiently. So as a technician or a worker, you need to make sure that the coolants of the carbide cutting tool are not getting affected by the process and can easily get rid of the re-cutting of the chips. If you fail to do so, it will destroy the precision of the end product as well as cause damage and wear/tear to the carbide tools. You can make use of high-quality dribble in order to cover up the chips and protect them from cutting down.

#4. Making Use Of The High-Quality Lubricate:

Making Use Of The High-Quality Lubricant

When the machines or cutting tools work for a longer period, it might develop friction. This friction will not help in getting accurate and precise cut products. Besides this, it will destroy the efficiency of the carbide cutting tool. In such a situation, when you want to protect the carbide cutting tool from wearing down due to friction, use the right lubrication. Moreover, it will be helpful in ensuring that the efficiency of the carbide cutting tool is maintained and make it work for a longer period without developing any friction. But you need to ensure that you are making use of high-quality lubricant to get the best results.

#5 To Reduce The Wearing You Can Integrate Surface Speed Factor:

You can reduce the surface speed of the carbide cutting tool to make the functioning smooth and diminish the chip load. If you are not reducing the surface speed factor, it will increase the chip load on the tool and increase the wear/tear. The heat generates during the process will increase the friction and decrease the service life of the carbide cutting tool.


Carbide cutting tools are quite useful and available in all the metal cutting and manufacturing industries. So it is quite essential for all the technicians and workers to know how to take care of the carbide cutting tool to ensure that the wearing does not take place. Otherwise, the cutting process will not be precise, and you will also cause damage to the object as well as the carbide cutting tool.


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